
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Parade to the operating room

Yesterday, November 26th, 2018 other than his date of birth this was Channing’s biggest day to date--his surgery date.  Vanessa and I arrived early and our parents followed.  When we arrived, we saw his abdomen was more rigid and distended as his kidneys continued to grow in size.  Since the early days in August we knew this day was coming and we prepped for it as much as we could.  Since he was the second case of the day, his OR time was slightly delayed--its typically how the OR works.  Anesthesia and other staff discussed the surgery and how it would be performed.  After lengthy discussions with the staff involved in his care in the OR, someone opened up the flood gates of emotions.  Family gathered together as we watched Channing’s parade depart for the OR around 12 pm. His room in the NICU was eerily quiet without the sounds of the monitors and the smooth "breathing" sounds of his ventilator.  We were updated periodically though the multiple procedures that were occurring that day:  Broviac line placement, a now known bilateral nephrectomy (both kidneys), and the peritoneal dialysis catheter placement. All of which took place in that order. We all awaited his arrival for many hours casually being normal of creating general discussion of daily life and laughter--this is good medicine for all involved.  We continually kept thinking and praying for all involved with his care.  The last stitch was placed of his dialysis catheter we were notified that his promenade would be on his way shortly.  Us newly badged parents could not wait any longer to see our boy!  As he arrived at 8:30 pm with a slew of medical professionals, the surgeon that performed the surgery approached us with the utmost care and concern.  He methodically delivered what occurred in the OR and ended his statements as "Channing did very well." He he turned quietly and left the room.  This doctor just performed a miracle surgery, and treated it as another day at the office--amazing.

Getting Channing stable after the OR was a bit of a challenge for the NICU doctors and nurses, however with some time he bounced back and started to perform well.  A line, arterial line, to read blood pressure during the procedures was pulled out.  The area clotted off just fine, however the pulse in his leg below where the line was placed had a pulse but was weak.  A Doppler exam was done and slowly improved.  A chest X-ray was ordered to confirm his breathing tube placement;  this is always performed after transport to and from different locations. Since I work on that floor I know many of the technologists, I didn’t know this guy.  He was new, he recognized me and I think I made him a bit nervous.  He performed well under pressure. :)
We were finally able to get a look at our amazing boy, Channing.  We were impressed by his strength and quickly learned were the memories of this day would show for years to come.  He has a small incision on his right upper chest for the broviac line,  a front to back incision on each side (below the level of the belly button) for the nephrectomies, and a small incision on the right side next to his belly button for the dialysis catheter.  He is our little Superman!  He has abdomen scars to match his mom and dad.  Mom: C-section Dad: Appendectomy, and Channing well he out does us all.
For a summary of his future.  The incision for the dialysis catheter has to heal, 4 weeks according to pediatric surgery, however Nephrology (kidney doctors) would like to use it sooner.  Time will tell as these two care teams discuss his care.  Moreover, he will remain in the NICU for at least 3 months, if not longer.  This is essentially time for healing and moving him from nurse injection dialysis fluids to a machine that does it for him.

We continue to see signs of hope.  This is one of them from outside of our house on the sidewalk.

First diaper change and feeding.  We are slowly learning and accepting our new normal.


  1. Congratulations on a difficult but successful day. You are all so amazing! Deb

  2. I’m so happy to hear he is doing well!! Hang in there mom and dad, you’re both so strong and amazing!

  3. Vanessa, you look so beautiful and like a natural mommy ❤️

  4. He is one tough little guy! We are so relieved that everything went well. Love the pictures! You guys are doing a great job!

  5. Today was a magical day.. one day post op. We are all stronger each day.

  6. Channing is a fighter!!!! God Bless you all. Keep praying!!!!XO

  7. What a guy!!!! He is so adorable! Thinking of your family often. - Anne (rad nurse)

  8. Channing is such a cutie pie! <3 love to all of you!

  9. So happy to see you both getting involved in his care, it’s therapeutic for families! Go Channing, you’ve got this!

  10. We are cheering all 3 of you on! Hailey
